CollabUltraBlackboard Collaborate is a real-time video conferencing tool that lets you add files, share applications, and use a virtual whiteboard to collaborate. Interact with the Ultra experience opens direct away in your browser (Chrome for the all-time feel), so you don't have to install any software to join a session. And you tin can record it and make it available afterwards. Find guidance and videos at

You can use a Interact session just with a cohort in BREO, one-to-one or i-to-many through the tool link within whatsoever BREO unit – find it in the Tools area under Control Console in your units on BREO.

Y'all tin can have a discrete session, timed for one slot, or y'all could exit a session open up for whatever students to drib into equally and when they please. You can set upward 'Office Hour' for students at a set time to continue in bear on with students especially when they are on placement, for case. And, of course, it is a core chemical element of delivering distance learning.

Outside your own class, you can set up sessions for running webinars with a selected group of participants or you can even publicise a url and promote your online webinar to anyone who sees the url, perhaps in a community yous are part of or a research group.

For anyone who does not have a relevant BREO unit, you're not excluded! You lot can use Collaborate outside BREO too – just contact usa a breosupport@beds.air and we tin give y'all directly access to your own Collaborate session.